Mile of History Association Initiatives
Over the course of our first several years, we aggressively advocated for the repair of our sidewalks, streets, tree wells, and streetlights. In collaboration with the Providence Preservation Society, we documented and reported numerous violations at properties owned by absentee landlords. We attended meetings of the Historic District Commission, the City Plan Commission, the City Council, and local neighborhood association meetings to advocate for issues that impact the historic character and livability of our neighborhood.
Annual Meeting: October, 29, 2023
Street Light Restoration
We conducted a comprehensive assessment of deteriorating street lamp conditions. The assessment report was submitted to the Providence’s Director of Public Property. View the complete assessment report.
We researched and wrote a grant application to the RI Commerce Corporation Streetscape Improvement Fund for restoration of the decorative streetlights. The application was submitted by the Providence’s Department of Public Property but was not funded. Subsequently, we submitted a grant application to the Champlin Foundation for restoration of the streetlights and are waiting to hear if funding will be granted. The City has committed $75,000 to supplement the project if we are successful in securing funding from other sources. We continue to explore other sources of funding for the restoration project.
Sidewalk repair
We prepared detailed photographic surveys of sidewalk issues and submitted the surveys to Ward 1, 2, and 12 city councilors and Providence’s Director of Department of Public Works.
Signage and Graffiti Issues
We produced a photographic report of signage issues and submitted report to ward city councilors and Providence’s Director of Department of Public Works. In late Spring 2019, most of the reported signs were cleaned of graffiti and badly damaged signage was replaced. MoHA continues to advocate to the City to discontinue the practice of bolting signs to the decorative streetlights.
Tree Well restoration
MoHA, in collaboration with Bradford Associates and the City of Providence, has established design specifications for the restoration of tree wells. The tree wells should be 4 x 6 feet, lined with Belgium block edging, filled with loam and stone fines. Where possible, original materials should be reused and original sidewalk paving relaid. Asphalt is not approved in the historic area. Detailed specifications and a list of city-approved contractors are available at the links below:
Property Conditions
MoHA partially funded a Providence Preservation Society study of landlord conditions on Benefit Street. The study was submitted to the Providence Department of Inspections and Standards.
We also regularly submit landlord code violations to the Providence’s Department of Inspection and Standards, and infrastructure complaints to the Mayor’s Center for City Services, via code 311.
We developed and disseminated a brochure documenting neighborhood conditions and contrasting them with media accounts touting the historical value of the neighborhood. View the brochure.
MoHA representatives attended numerous meetings of the Historic District Commission, the City Plan Commission, and the City Council in support of neighbors and organizations opposing landlord plans for the Welcome Arnold House and Keene Street properties. We attended the RISD Master Plan neighborhood meeting and represented MoHA at meetings regarding the Edge College Hill development, Fane Tower, and 195 parcel development.
Coordination of Mile of History Cultural and Historic Organizations
A MoHA committee that includes the Directors of the RISD Museum and the Rhode Island Historical Society, as well as representatives of the Convention Bureau and the Providence’s Arts and Tourism Department, has been established to coordinate the historic and cultural organizations on and near Benefit Street in order to promote their branding, marketing, and collaboration. The purpose of this collaboration is to promote Providence as a historic and cultural center and to enhance the programming, visitorship, community impact, and funding for the individual organizations. To further improve the visitor experience, these organizations will advocate for the restoration and on-going maintenance of public infrastructure along the Mile of History.
“It is too fine a street, too richly wrapped in history, to be allowed to fall into disrepute.”